MEMORY (2016)
MATTER (2014)
SPACE (2012)
TIME (2010)
LIGHT (2008)
SOUND (2006)
CHANGE (2004)
Amy Stacey Curtis' 6th solo-biennial exhibit of interactive installation, TIME (October 9-28, 2010), was 9 participatory works installed throughout 16,000 s.f. of Biddeford, Maine's Pepperell Mill. Each of TIME's installations were accompanied by instructions, the audience challenged to perpetuate and complete Curtis' concepts in specific ways. Photos: Luc Demers, Amy Stacey Curtis
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timeline II, 5,940 minutes, labels, pencils, sharpener, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Each of exhibit's 5,940 minutes represented using labels with .375" squares and text. Participants asked to use pencils provided to "completely and neatly" fill square(s) corresponding to their moment(s) with installation. If more than one person for any given moment, participants asked to choose person to fill given square. (94"x288")
pendulum III, 9 metronomes, pedestal, aluminum, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Repeated from her 4th solo biennial SOUND (2006) at slower tempo (each metronome set at 60 beats per minute), Curtis restarted metronomes simultaneously every time they stopped using tool she built. Participants asked to listen as metronomes' collective rhythm continuously changed. (each metronome: 9"x5"x5"; pedestal: 36"x72"x15")
pendulum IV, 9 mechanical pendulum clocks with 31-day movements, pedestals, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
All nine clocks set at 12:15pm, started simultaneously by Curtis and assistants at 12:15pm on October 9, 2010. Clocks stopped simultaneously at 4:45pm on October 28 allowing Curtis to document clocks' time variation.
Clocks stopped at: 4:20pm (25 minutes slow), 4:40pm (5 minutes slow), 4:53pm (8 minutes fast), 4:28pm (17 minutes slow), 4:43pm (2 minutes slow), 4:17pm (28 minutes slow), 3:48pm (57 minutes slow), 4:17pm (28 minutes slow), and 4:30pm (15 minutes slow) respectively. (each clock: 16"x9"x9")
flux III, 99 hourglasses, pedestal, labels, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Curtis inverted first hourglass on 64' pedestal at 12pm on October 9, 2010, marking start of exhibit. Participants asked to invert subsequent hourglasses, one per exhibit hour. (each hourglass: 7"x4"; pedestal: 48"x12"x768")
labyrinth V, tape, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Participants walked labyrinth to its center and out again. Each first participant set a consistent pace. Any simultaneous participants then attempted to walk at this established pace, in unison with other participants. (labyrinth: 240"x744")
undoing I, 86,617 feet acrylic yarn, plexiglas, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Curtis crocheted hour every day for year; tying 36 yarn skein ends together so continuous. Starting October 9, participants removed yarn from form, placing undone yarn into plexiglas box. Installation complete once "undone" or once biennial ended at 5pm, October 28--whichever came first. (form at start of exhibit: .25"x108"x864"; plexiglas box: 16"x16"x84")
relativity I, 99 people, mp3 player, speakers, wood, drywall, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Curtis recorded 99 people in her life, all counting out their perception of 60 seconds without use of clock. Curtis merged and synchronized recordings to start at same moment, all saying "one" simultaneously. (96"x96"x96")
relativity II, 9 booths, 9 chairs, 9 timers, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
Participants sat within each of up to nine booths, attempting to remain in first booth for one minute, second booth for two minutes, third booth for three minutes, through to ninth booth for nine minutes. Each booth had optional count-up timer for those interested in accuracy. If participants chose to sit in all nine booths--and happened to be accurate--they sat in booths 45 minutes total. (each booth: 96"x48"x48")
forward V, 360 digital stills, DVD projector/player, DVD-R, wood, drywall, rear-projection screen, audience, 10.9.10-10.28.10
For over a year, Curtis took photograph for every 25 hours, along road near her home. She took first photograph 6am, June 21, 2009, second photograph 7am, June 22, 2009, third photograph 8am, June 23, 2009...last photograph 5am, June 28, 2010, so loop would be seamless transition from day to night to day to night, season to season... Every 25 hours, Curtis took one step forward. (hall: 96"x42"x576"; projection: 14.5"x19.5")
LIGHT (2008)