The Color Of Memory Edited by Amy Stacey Curtis
2022, ISBN 978-1-7362719-9-5, 242 pages, perfect-bound
THE COLOR OF MEMORY is a sampling of the thousands of color-specific memories shared at Amy Stacey Curtis's major interactive exhibit "The Color Of Memory" in Westbrook, Maine's former high school gym (March 26-April 22, 2022). As the 2022 University of Southern Maine Artist-In-Residence, Curtis built a neighborhood of 9 homes---each house, its yard, and its possessions wholly a different color (orange, yellow, blue, white, black, light pink, green, red, and light blue). Participants of this exhibit were asked to think of personal memories sparked by the respective colors, to enter these homes to anonymously write their memories within the homes' respectively colored books inside. Curtis hopes to revisit this concept on the U.S. west coast, perhaps internationally, and to publish more volumes of memories shared.
Purchase for $20 plus shipping and applicable tax through Lulu.THE COLOR OF MEMORY ebook edition (ISBN 978-1-7362719-4-0, 242-page PDF, 2.8 MB)
Each ebook $10. To order, send email address (to [email protected]) and check or money order (written to Amy Stacey Curtis) to: Amy Stacey Curtis, 70 Blake Street, 2H, Lewiston, Maine 04240. To pay with credit card click PayPal; (type "ebook" into "Description" field; keeping "Quantity" at "1," type $10 into "Price per item" field); next screen select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"; next screen click "Ship to my billing address" or include shipping address. Once payment is received/confirmed, your ebook will be sent as attachment to email address provided. You can also pay using Venmo (Amy-Curtis-117; 3390) including email address and mention of e-book.
9 SOLO BIENNIALS (Special Edition) by Amy Stacey Curtis
9 SOLO BIENNIALS is a small-run, 400-page, autobiographical catalogue documenting Amy Stacey Curtis's 18-year solo-biennial project in Maine's mills. This Special Edition was made possible through the fiscal sponsorship of Engine (an arts non-profit propelling the creative community in Biddeford, Maine), and 275 donors.
9 SOLO BIENNIALS documents Curtis's 18-year commitment to interactive installation from 1998 to 2016---9 solo-biennial exhibits in the vast empty mill spaces of 8 Maine towns, a total of 81 large-in-scope, participatory installations. Each biennial was a 22-month, Maine-studio-to-Maine-mill process focused upon a different theme, each exhibit inviting the audience to perpetuate its 9 installations. This narrative includes a foreword by Dr. Owen F. Smith, 9 mill histories, 181 full-color plates, and lists the more than 1,000 patrons, donors, and volunteers who contributed to Curtis's long-term project. Curtis is querying publishers to make a smaller-scale book about her 9 solo biennials widely available.
There are still books available through donation. To donate, send shipping address and check or money order for $25 (written to "Amy Stacey Curtis"; memo: "9 SOLO BIENNIALS") to: Amy Stacey Curtis, 70 Blake Street, 2H, Lewiston, Maine 04240. To donate with credit card click PayPal; type "9 SOLO BIENNIALS" into "Description" field; keeping "Quantity" at "1," type $25 into "Price per item" field; next screen select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"; next screen click "Ship to my billing address" or include shipping address. You can also donate using Venmo (Amy-Curtis-117; 3390) including shipping address and mention of book.
DRAWING MEMORY by Amy Stacey Curtis
2015, 64 pages, perfect-bound, (0 of 99 remaining), includes 18 black-and-white plates, autobiographical narrative
DRAWING MEMORY is an illustrated, editioned, and signed chapbook in support of Curtis's 9th solo biennial MEMORY (99 total copies were printed and acquired by patrons via donation). Amy wrote out 99 memories from her earliest to most-recent with the intention of drawing them. She set out to write and draw 50 "good and benign" memories and 49 "bad and traumatic" memories. For each good and benign memory, Curtis determined a sans-punctuation, 90-character array, the text still conveying the memory with complete sentences. Each memory's 90 letters were inked by hand on paper with letterpress characters then traced with graphite. At her solo biennial, Curtis stenciled her bad and traumatic memories in graphite, each memory's characters randomized, side-by-side, on a 54-foot pedestal. Each participant at the exhibit was asked to erase 9 of the resulting 4,410 characters. Ultimately, no matter how hard a participant erased, the graphite left traces of itself, reflective of how traumatic memories never completely disappear.
AMY STACEY CURTIS: 9 WALKS by Amy Stacey Curtis
2013, 32 pages, perfect-bound, includes 11 full-color plates, autobiographical narrative, and excerpt from "Seeing Process" by Jessica May, used with permission from the Portland Museum of Art
9 WALKS is an illustrated micro-memoir about a project Curtis completed as part of a 2013-2014 solo exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art (Portland, Maine). For each walk--including a 9-day walk, three 9-hour walks (one where she walked due north from her home without knowing the destination and nearly drowned), a 9-minute walk, and a 9-second walk--Curtis captured dead-ahead footage which was subsequently projected in one of nine different locations throughout the museum.
Purchase for $20 plus shipping and applicable tax through Lulu.
Click image to view book's table of contents, introduction, and index.
WOMEN, TRAUMA & VISUAL EXPRESSION by Amy Stacey Curtis, foreword by Patricia Reis
2005, ISBN 0-9763567-0-8, LCCN 2004099442, 256 pages, perfect-bound, includes 23 half-tone plates, notes, selected bibliography, index
Drawing from extensive research, ambitious surveys, interviews, and personal experience, Amy Stacey Curtis focuses on how and why women visual artists who have experienced trauma communicate trauma through their work process and imagery. WOMEN, TRAUMA & VISUAL EXPRESSION compares the lives and work of nine women artists: four from our past--Artemisia Gentileschi, Kaethe Kollwitz, Frida Kahlo, and Eva Hesse--and five contemporaries, including Curtis herself, from Chicago, Washington State, San Francisco, New Jersey, and Maine. Curtis discusses personal, cultural, and collective trauma, the anatomy of trauma, the history of women's trauma research, the artist's work process and connection to audience, trauma's content, symbols, patterns, and archetypes, trauma and "trauma art" as stigma, and the collective visual manifestation of coping mechanisms used to survive trauma. Curtis received her MA in Art and Psychology from Vermont College of Norwich University in 2000, and in 2003, proposed/juried "Women, Trauma & Visual Expression" at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, an international exhibit featuring work by women who have experienced trauma.
Pay what you can (between $5 and $20) for each perfect-bound book.
Includes shipping/handling. To order, send shipping address and check or money order (written to Amy Stacey Curtis) to: Amy Stacey Curtis, 70 Blake Street, 2H, Lewiston, Maine 04240. To pay with credit card click PayPal; (type "perfect-bound book" into "Description" field; keeping "Quantity" at "1," type amount you wish to spend (from $5 to $20) into "Price per item" field); next screen select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"; next screen click "Ship to my billing address" or include shipping address. You can also pay using Venmo (Amy-Curtis-117; 3390) including shipping address and mention of book.WOMEN, TRAUMA & VISUAL EXPRESSION ebook edition (ISBN 0-9763567-0-6, 227-page PDF, no images, 1.3 MB)
Each ebook $5. To order, send email address (to [email protected]) and check or money order (written to Amy Stacey Curtis) to: Amy Stacey Curtis, 70 Blake Street, 2H, Lewiston, Maine 04240. To pay with credit card click PayPal; (type "e-book" into "Description" field; keeping "Quantity" at "1," type $5 into "Price per item" field); next screen select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"; next screen click "Ship to my billing address" or include shipping address. Once payment is received/confirmed, your e-book will be sent as attachment to email address provided. You can also pay using Venmo (Amy-Curtis-117; 3390) including email address and mention of e-book.