MEMORY (2016)
MATTER (2014)
SPACE (2012)
TIME (2010)
LIGHT (2008)
SOUND (2006)
CHANGE (2004)
Amy Stacey Curtis' 5th solo-biennial exhibit of interactive installation, LIGHT (October 4-24, 2008), was 9 participatory works installed throughout 26,000 s.f. of Sanford, Maine's Sanford Mill. Each of LIGHT's installations were accompanied by instructions, the audience challenged to perpetuate and complete Curtis' concepts in specific ways. Photos: Amy Stacey Curtis
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visage I, 99 people, 100 overlays, 2 overhead projectors, nails, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Over course of year, Curtis photographed faces of 99 people in her life, including herself, outputting each face on overlay. Two overhead projectors created large projected diptych on wall. Mounted on other wall was grid of all 99 overlays. Curtis choose 9 overlays from wall placing on right projector, creating new face. Each participant asked to remove overlays from this projector and chose 9 new overlays to place. On left projector was single overlay with image Curtis generated in Photoshop--collective, merged face of all 99 people. (each overlay: 8.5"x11")
volition III, 81 push lights, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Curtis turned on 9 lights of her choice. Participants each asked to turn off any lights which were on, and to turn on 9 lights of his or her choice. (1"x3"x648")
modulation I, 8,118 aluminum cans and 4-color prints, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Repeated from her 3rd solo biennial CHANGE (2006) in larger scale, audience walked around installation as its perceived hue collectively changed from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet to red... (4.5"x252"x252")
channel I, 1,080 plotter-paper cores, wood, conduit, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Repeated from her 1st solo biennial EXPERIENCE (2000), participants asked to view tubes from far away, inches away, moving side to side, up and down, back and forth... Perception of light moved and changed with each participant's perspective. (144"x84"x36")
channel II, 18 builder's tubes, fishing line, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Repeated from her 1st solo biennial EXPERIENCE (2000) in larger scale, tubes hung end-to-end, ~3" apart, at Curtis' eye level. Participants asked to look into end to view circles of light. (10"x10"x2,640")
undulation II, 144 3" mirrors, wire, fishing line, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Participants asked to travel (at consistent pace) about 2 feet from and parallel to row of mirrors. Each participant created unique rotation of mirrors, reflection, and light. (108"x~25.5"x867")
undulation III, 36 mirrors, duct tape, fishing line, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Participants asked to walk slowly between two rows of mirrors where they observed their undulating infinite reflections. (78"x60"x756"; each mirror 12"x48")
sort IV, 61,785 pony beads (6,865 each of nine colors), glass, wood, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
Participants asked to remove beads from perimeter of beads only and to sort beads by color into receptacles. When or if all beads sorted, installation complete. (48"x81"x81"; each receptacle ~25"x~6")
forward IV, 360 digital stills, DVD projector/player, rear projection fabric, insulation, wood, audience, 10.4.8-10.24.8
For over a year, Curtis took photograph for every 25 hours, of same spot in sky. Curtis took first photograph 6am, June 21, 2007, second photograph 7am, June 22, 2007, third photograph 8am, June 23, 2007...last photograph 5am, June 28, 2008, so loop would be seamless transition from day to night to day to night...
SOUND (2006)