How To Clean A Mill Floor: 5 minutes
Maine Public Out and About video featuring MEMORY, 2016: 5 minutesVideo about MATTER, 2014 (part 1): 5 minutes
Video about MATTER, 2014 (part 2): 4 minutesVideo about SPACE, 2012 (part 1): 5 minutes
Video about SPACE, 2012 (part 2): 4 minutesVideo about TIME, 2010 (part 1): 5 minutes
Video about TIME, 2010 (part 2): 3 minutesVideo about EXPERIENCE through LIGHT (2000-2008): 5 minutes
click images below to view
visage II, 1 of 9 works at MEMORY, 2016; 2 minutes 44 seconds, looped
Over the course of a year, Curtis took video of 99 people in her including herself. She asked each to count from 1 to 100 at the same pace. Curtis gently squeezed each participant's ankle 100+ times to convey the pace, then merged/super-imposed all 99 video clips to start at the same moment, all saying "one" simultaneously.
*9-day walk, 2013; 40 minutes, looped (1-minute clip)
Curtis took a photograph for every minute of nine 24-hour periods along the entire length of road upon which she lives. For every 60 seconds, she stepped forward ~22.048888 inches, arriving at this distance by dividing the length of her road (~4.51 miles) by the number of minutes in 9 days (12,960).
*9-hour walk (I), 2013; 3 minutes, looped (1-minute clip)
Curtis walked slowly forward along the road upon which she lives, attempting to walk its entire length (~4.51 miles) in exactly 9 continuous hours.
*9-hour walk (II), 2013; 1 minute, looped
Curtis walked extremely slowly forward along the road upon which she lives for exactly 9 continuous hours, attempting to walk exactly 90 feet.
*9-hour walk (III), 2013; 9 hours (clips totaling 18 minutes)
Curtis walked forward "due north" for 9 hours, starting at her home, not knowing the destination.
*9-minute walk, 2013; 9 minutes, looped (1-minute clip)
Curtis walked along the road upon which she lives for exactly 9 continuous minutes, taking a step forward every second.
*9-second walk, 2013; 9 seconds, looped
Curtis walked forward 9 feet in 9 seconds along the road upon which she lives.
*forward VI, 2012 (1 of 9 works at SPACE); 3 minutes, looped
Curtis took video for each day of a leap year along the entire length of road upon which she lives. For every 24 hours, she stepped 65.1 feet forward, arriving at this distance by dividing the length of her road (~4.51-miles) by the number of leap year days (366).
*forward V, 2010 (1 of 9 works at TIME); 1 minute, 11 seconds, looped
Curtis took a photograph for every 25 hours of a year along the road upon which she lives. For every 25 hours, she took one step forward.
forward IV, 2008 (1 of 9 works at LIGHT); 1 minute, 11 seconds, looped
Curtis took a photograph near her home for every 25 hours of a year of the same spot in the sky.
*forward II, 2004 (1 of 9 works at CHANGE); 1 minute, looped
Curtis took a photograph for each day of a leap year along a road near her home. For every 24 hours, she took one step forward.
forward I, (back view, left view, right view), 2002 (1 of 9 works at MOVEMENT); 1 minute, looped
Curtis took video along a road near her home.
*Exhibited in AMY STACEY CURTIS: 9 WALKS, October 3, 2013-January 5, 2014, Portland Museum of Art